Page last updated: 27 January 2025
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How many tourists visit Perth each year?
Around 5.4 million tourists travelled to Perth in 2024 (year ending September).
- Domestic visitors accounted for 4.6 million trips, while international visitors made up 795,000 trips.
- Total visitor numbers in 2024 were 5% below the same period of 2019 (5.66 million visitors).
How much did tourists spend in Perth in 2024?
Tourists spent approximately $7.9 billion in Perth in the year ending September 2024.
- Domestic visitors contributed $5.81 billion to the total spending, while international visitors spent $2.09 billion.
- Total spending by visitors exceeded the 2019 figure ($5.88 billion) by 34%.
Total Visitor Spending in Perth |
Year Ending September ($) |
Year | International | Domestic |
2019 | 1.95 B | 3.93 B |
2023 | – | 5.13 B |
2024 | 2.09 B | 5.81 B |
How many people visited Perth in 2021?
For the first quarter of 2021 (January-March), Perth received over 888,000 domestic overnight visitors from both interstate and intrastate sources.
- Visitors were down 11.2% when compared with the over 1 million visitors of the first quarter of 2020.
How much did visitors spend in Perth in 2021?
Overnight visitors spent over $650 million during visits to Perth for the first quarter of 2021 (January-March).
- Spending was down 33.6% when compared with the over $980 million spent during the first quarter of 2020.
How many tourists visited Perth in 2020?
Over 4.7 million visitors travelled to Perth in the year ending June 2020.1
- This total was made up of 4 million domestic visitors and over 700,000 international visitors.
- Visitors were down 16% when compared with the 5.6 million visitors in 2019.
How much do tourists spend in Perth in 2020?
Visitors spend over $4.5 billion during trips to Perth in the year ending June 2020.
- International visitors spent $1.4 billion while domestic visitors contributed over $3.1 billion.
- Spending was down 19.6% when compared to the more than $5.6 billion spent in 2019.
How many tourists visited Perth in 2019?
Over 5.7 million tourists and other visitors arrived in Perth between July 2018 and June 2019, the highest number ever recorded.1
- This total includes 924,000 international visitors and 4,750,000 domestic overnight visitors.
Perth tourism through the years
- The vast majority of visitors to Perth come from domestic overnight visitors, which have grown significantly over the last decade.
- Between 2009 and 2019, the number of domestic visitors to Perth increased by 91% and the number of international visitors by 42%.
- Total visitors to Perth increased by 12.2% in 2018/19.
How does Perth tourism compare with other Australian destinations?
- In 2019, Perth was the 4th most popular destination for domestic visitors and the 5th most popular destination for international visitors.
How much money did Perth make from tourism in 2019?
- Tourists spent a total of $5.6 billion in Perth between July 2018 and June 2019.
- $1.8 billion came from international visitors, and $3.8 billion came from domestic overnight visitors.
How much did international tourists spend per night?
- International tourists spend an average of $98 per night during visits to Perth, a lower spend compared to other popular destinations in Australia.
How long do international tourists stay in Perth?
- International tourists stayed in Perth for an average of 20 nights.
- Perth tied with Sydney for the 2nd-longest average stay.
How many tourists visit Kings Park each year?
- Over 5 million people visit Kings Park each year.3
How many tourists visit Western Australia each year?
Over 10.1 million travellers visited Western Australia in the year ending June 2020
- Read more Western Australia tourism statistics
Perth Camping & Campervan Statistics
- The number of camping trips throughout Western Australia has grown by 69.4% over the 10-year period from 2008 to 2018.2
- In 2018 over 900 thousand overnight camping trips were made in Western Australia.
- Camping trips – including caravan, campervan, commercial and non-commercial camping – made up 13.3% of visitor nights for domestic travellers to Western Australia in 2019 (year ending September)