Planning a road trip from Darwin (NT) to Broome (WA)? Explore Australia's outback in a one-way campervan rental.
Use our comparison tool above to check prices and availability on campervan rentals from multiple suppliers.
It's also possible to travel in the opposite direction: from Broome to Darwin
Not all vehicles may be available. Use the search tool to check availability for your travel dates.
This road trip is just under 2,000 km in length and connects the cities of Darwin and Broome.
Popular attractions nearby:
Distance: 300-320 km
Estimated driving time: 3-3.5h
Attractions along the way:
Distance: 515 km
Estimated driving time: 5.5-6h
Popular attractions:
Distance: 300 km
Estimated driving time: 3.5-4h
Attractions along the way:
Distance: 430-450 km
Estimated driving time: 5-6 h
Things to see:
Distance: 400 km
Estimated driving time: 4-4.5h
Things to see:
Campervan rental companies may charge a one-way rental fee. If there is such a fee we will include it in the rental price listed in our comparison tool.
Yes - simply use the search tool at the top of this page to check availability.
As with most of Australia, free camping is only permitted at designated sites. A campsite in the Northern Territory will generally cost around $3–$15 (AUD) per night, while a stay at a holiday park can cost around $40–$120 per night.
Some popular sites in Darwin include: Freespirit Resort, Oasis Tourist Park and Hidden Valley Holiday Park.
There are no special licencing requirements that you need to undertake if hiring or driving a motorhome in the Northern Territory. Your licence will need to be:
Yes, unlimited kilometres are generally included for standard vehicle rentals in Australia. However, limits are placed on some vehicles, e.g. 4x4 campers. The comparison tool will show whether your preferred vehicle has unlimited or restricted kilometres.
Note: policies vary from supplier to supplier. Always check the T&Cs for your rental.